My Story
The Story Of Rosaries & Chaplets By Sue Anna Mary

Sue Anna Mary in real life is Sue Ann Goodwin. Sue Ann was born in the South and was raised as a Baptist. In early adulthood, she converted to Catholicism and her faith has been a blessing to her throughout her adult life.
One night she attended a Catholic play entitled “Late Night Catechism” in which Sister Mary Ignatius said that every woman should have Mary in her name. So on that night, her husband renamed her “Sue Anna Mary”. Sometime after that night, Sue Anna Mary had a dream that she made 4 rosaries. She had no idea what the significance of the dream was but she felt that the Holy Spirit or maybe Mary, the Blessed Mother of Jesus was definitely calling her to make rosaries. She immediately began surfing the internet to learn the techniques for making rosaries. Then she began searching for rosary materials. She visited almost every bead shop in the city of Houston. Then off she went to the International Gem and Jewelry show in search of beads, jump rings, end caps, rondelles and other materials and tools to facilitate her rosary making.
She did extensive research to find just the right crucifixes and centers for her rosaries. Pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to Mother Angelica’s EWTN and “The Shrine of The Most Blessed Sacrament” resulted in inspirations for beautiful rosary designs.
Sue Ann’s husband Bob had a thought one night for a rosary design unlike any rosary he had ever seen. The next morning, he told Sue Anna Mary that she should make a “We are one Body” rosary. He went on to explain that 1 Corinthians 12:12 says “For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. Now, we as Christians are all different but yet part of one body – “Christ.” So, a “We are one Body” rosary would be comprised of 59 beads, each one different from all the others. Sue Anna Mary collected the 59 different beads and made the first “We are one Body” rosary and gave it to the pastor of her parish.
Since then, Sue Anna Mary has made many beautiful custom Catholic rosaries and chaplets. As her friends and neighbors saw them, they started purchasing them and asking her to make custom rosaries for them for personal use and as gifts. Eventually the requests for rosaries grew to the point that she decided to start a business and she pledged to her Lord and to the Blessed Mother Mary that she would donate 10% of the proceeds from rosary sales to the Franciscans that take care of holy sites in Jerusalem.