Commemorate Special Events with Specialty Rosaries
Commemorating special, once in a lifetime events give us a chance to remember and hold that moment dear to our hearts for the rest of our lives. Giving the gift of a specialty rosary to help commemorate the event will create event more memories for the giver and receiver of the rosary. Trying to recall every detail of that time, whether it had been a coming of age birthday, a First Communion or a baby’s upcoming baptism may become difficult over time especially if you were very young. Receiving a handcrafted rosary, fit for the occasion, helps us go back and celebrate that moment once more as you now have a keepsake to remind you of the ones who gifted the rosary at the time of the event.
There are no limits to the kind and number of events you can celebrate with a custom rosary. Most people may assign Catholic events such as Lent or Christmas with a particular rosary, but even weddings or normal days of the week can be honored with my carefully designed and custom made rosaries. Even those who are going through a troubled time, such as an illness or are simply in need of God’s guidance may use a special rosary during their time of prayer and worship to make their recitations more meaningful.
A rosary develops its own unique personality and charm over the years as it is worn, used and prayed. The materials I have selected are ornate and beautiful to help give each specialty rosary a unique personality right from the beginning. Each rosary has its own story and each piece brings its own spiritual power when beaded to help us become closer with the Lord. A specialty rosary given during a memorable event carries with it a deeper and more personal meaning both by the giver and its recipient. When a rosary is given to commemorate a special event unique history is begun, this history is what develops a rosary into an heirloom.
This is my prayer for you when you wear one of my Rosaries:
Dearest Mother Mary,
I pray to our Father that my sins may be forgiven.
Create in me a pure heart through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Come Holy Spirit,
Fill our hearts and enkindle in them the fire of your love.
To ensure your rosary will be a perfect keepsake and special gift, each bead and metal I use while making the rosaries is a beautifully polished high-quality product. I hope my rosaries will show and demonstrate the love and prayer that goes into making each and everyone of them as they are cherished through the ages and help families commemorate special events.